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Clearwood - hollow wood surfboards and paddleboards

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paddleboard construction tool closeup
Tool Requirements for Strip Planking Tool requirements for strip planking a paddleboard are simple; a basic set of hand tools and a few basic power tools are all that is required. The enhancement of our woodshops with a more diverse set of tools is something most woodworkers strive for, but strip planking is s…
building a strip planked paddleboard
Semi-monocoqueHollow Wood Paddleboard Construction Techniques Hollow wood paddleboard construction techniques are common to many different hull shapes. The build method for all the boards I design is strip planking. Strip planking, for those not familiar with the process, is the application of strips of wood t…
Tom Blake and Duke Kahanamoku vintage photo with paddleboard
Prone Paddleboard Background Paddlers that have been around the paddling and surfing sports for any length of time likely know prone paddleboard background and also know the basics of how various sports relate. Prone paddleboards are the very most basic paddle craft on the water. The element of simplicity, ver…
Clearwood P14 Prone Paddleboard in progress
Hollow Wood Prone Paddleboard Kit Coming Soon! We decided to go back to the roots of paddleboarding for this design. With the ongoing growth of all paddle sports, it isn’t surprising that prone paddle boarding has seen a resurgence. Many people involved with paddle sports paddle more than one type of craft, a…
Paulownia plantation
Paulownia Wood for Strip Planking Paulownia plantation Paulownia wood for strip planking is a topic important for building strong and light boards. We have discussed paulownia wood for strip planking hollow wood SUP’s and surfboards i…
Randy and friend on ocean surf SUPs
Surfing Culture and New SUP Surfers Surfing and the culture that has evolved around surfing is unlike most other sports activities. The venues are coastal, which means that the sport is not available to those not within driving distance of the ocean. And then, not all ocean beaches produce waves that are good …
Randy Bogardus riding his own handmade ocean surfboard SUP
Choosing the Correct Board for the Surf Zone Choosing the correct board for the surf zone or prone paddle surfing can be a daunting task for new surfers. In fact, with the huge range of choices, it can be a daunting task for any surfer. The range of conditions that we typically surf can be quite varied and it’…
correct paddle board for flat water paddling
Choosing the Correct Board for Flatwater Paddling Whether you are planning to build a new board for the surf zone, flatwater, rough open water or for downwind runs, the correct board for your size is important to getting the most out of your new equipment.  3 Things to Consider Selecting a Board Body size…
“The Beach House” part of the Story “The Beach House” The “The Beach House” was always a magical place for me and my brothers and nephews. On the windy dunes north of Lincoln City, Oregon, well before there were many houses, and near what is now Roads End State Park, we ran wild (outdoors where the grownups w…
Rogue 8′ 4″ Performance Surf SUP The Rogue 8′ 4″ performance surf sup has been an interesting adventure for me. My first surfs on it left me a bit confused about what I had just created. It took a number of sessions to figure out that the Rogue isn’t a longboard style ride! My experience with short boards i…